Summary: The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

The feds are now monitoring our gaming interactions like never before, both in-game, Discord, and Reddit.  Now, truth be told, when I had my security clearance training at TBI many moons ago, the case study the FBI showed us involved a popular MMORPG that was used in passing sensitive information "for the horde." I  thought this bears a summary, and I encourage you to check out the full article, as it's well done:

Key points from the article: The Feds Are Coming for "Extremist" Gamers (

  • Federal Engagement: Gaming companies are collaborating with the FBI and DHS to address domestic violent extremist content.
  • Information Sharing: The GAO report details the cooperation between federal agencies and gaming companies, including information exchange during meetings.
  • Constitutional Considerations: The government is proceeding cautiously due to legal concerns about free speech rights concerning combating extremism online.
  • Strategic Development: The GAO recommends that the FBI and DHS develop a strategy to align their efforts with broader agency missions

The article emphasizes the growing focus on the gaming industry as a platform for potential extremist activities and the efforts to regulate it.


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