Empire of Ambition: China’s Quest for Global Influence and Technological Supremacy


China's third aircraft carrier's reported second sea trial attracts media attention.

China's third aircraft carrier, the electromagnetic catapult-equipped Fujian, reportedly wrapped up its second sea trial on Tuesday, an expansive and intensive test that experts said on Wednesday reflects the smooth progress made by the 80,000-ton-class warship. The Fujian returned to Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai from its 20-day second sea trial on Tuesday morning, Hong Kong news outlet the Singtao Daily reported on Wednesday. While not officially announced, observers said that Fujian's second test voyage started on May 23 and concluded on Tuesday, citing two navigation restriction notices for the two dates released by the maritime safety administration of Shanghai. The Singtao Daily said that the Yellow Sea was selected for the latest trial because the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has a carrier-based aircraft training base near the region. The location is relatively closed off for the U.S. to conduct close-in reconnaissance. It is usual for Fujian to need to perform several test voyages across different sea regions, and Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military expert, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Human players, including a Chinese vocational school girl, beat 563 AI teams entering the final of a global math competition.

None of the 563 artificial intelligence (A.I.) teams from the world's leading universities, colleges, and enterprises reached the final round in the 2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, in which a 17-year-old Chinese girl from a vocational high school ranked 12th, sparking heated discussion on Chinese social media platforms for days. The web-based competition has no diploma requirements and is open to math enthusiasts from all walks of life to participate. This year's competition was open for the first time to A.I.-powered participants. Jiang Ping, a fashion major trainee at a vocational high school in East China's Jiangsu Province, is unique as the first vocational high school student to reach the final round, alongside students from top institutions, including MIT, Tsinghua, and Peking universities. The two teams that came second and third among the A.I. teams designed their program based on a multi-agent model, where one of them was to let multiple large models play different roles in thought analysis, problem-solving, evaluation, and output the answer using Python. The other is to dynamically adjust various stages, including inference, logic verification, and interpreter, select appropriate reference cases for each sub-problem, and finally give the answer after multiple verification and integration. According to the report, a technical director from an internet enterprise said that although in calculation-intensive problems with clear rules, the ability of A.I. model performance can be better than humans, the need for deep logical reasoning, and a high degree of innovative thinking, human players still occupy an absolute advantage. The 801 competitors, who outsmarted A.I. in this aspect, will answer questions within 8 hours on June 22, and the winners will share a prize of 4 million yuan ($550,000), according to a previous report.

Has China's $1 Trillion Foreign Investment Paid Off?

This substantial financial burden raises the risks of what critics call "debt-trap diplomacy," where countries unable to manage their debts may fall under significant political influence or cede strategic assets to China, as was the case with Sri Lanka. A strategy of debt dependence could give China considerable influence over the borrowing country's policy decisions and alignment with Beijing's interests, as in the case of Sri Lanka. Countries relying heavily on Chinese support may align policies with Beijing's interests, as Malaysia initially did by agreeing to Chinese-backed infrastructure deals before a change of government in 2018, which led to their renegotiation and straining ties. Under initiatives such as "Made in China 2025," Chinese entities have spent almost $350 billion in the last decade making greenfield investments and acquiring stakes in European firms, mostly specializing in areas from robotics and artificial intelligence to green technologies. Assessing whether China's foreign investments are successful involves balancing these economic achievements against the financial, environmental, and political challenges host countries face.

China's industrial output was up 5.6% in May.

On Monday, China's economy continued the recovery trend in May amid a steady rebound in demand, the National Bureau of Statistics said. China's value-added industrial output - a gauge of activity in the manufacturing, mining, and utilities sectors - grew by 5.6 percent in May from a year earlier after 6.7 percent in April, figures released by the NBS showed. The surveyed urban jobless rate came in at 5 percent in May, flat with the figure in April, according to the NBS. The NBS said the Chinese economy grew steadily in May, with improvements in key indicators and new growth drivers gaining momentum. Meanwhile, the bureau warned of pressures from a lack of adequate domestic demand and a more complicated and grimmer external environment, calling for further moves to implement existing macro policies better, foster new quality productive forces, and consolidate the economic recovery trend.

Marcos's remarks on the South China Sea disregard history and truth. China will continue to defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights, says an F.M. spokesperson.

In his keynote speech at the Shangri-La address in Singapore on Friday, Marcos cited treaties, including UNCLOS and the 2016 arbitral award on the South China Sea, which he claimed established a legal framework for all marine and maritime activities. China is the first to have discovered, named, explored, and utilized Nanhai Zhudao and relevant waters and the first to continuously, peacefully, and effectively exercise sovereignty and jurisdiction over them. The spokesperson added that the Philippines breached its commitments and common understandings with China, violated the DOC, and repeatedly acted in bad faith. Countries in the region need to stay vigilant and always ensure they are in the driver's seat regarding the peace and stability of the South China Sea. Meanwhile, we remain committed to adequately handling maritime disputes and differences through negotiation and consultation with countries directly concerned based on respecting historical facts.

European and Chinese carmakers slate tariffs.

The move, which Brussels said was to prevent "economic injury to E.U. battery electric vehicle producers," immediately sparked opposition from European carmakers and trade associations. In a statement issued after the E.U. announced its decision, Mercedes-Benz had a similar stance: "… free trade and fair competition ensure prosperity, growth, and innovation," issued after the E.U. announced its decision. Stellantis, formed from the merger in 2021 of the Italian-American conglomerate Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and the French PSA Group, said it believes in free and fair competition in a worldwide trade environment and does not support measures contributing to global fragmentation. The Shanghai-based carmaker, which has joint ventures with Volkswagen and General Motors, plans to set up green factories in Europe and bring China's new energy vehicle technologies. Chinese carmaker Chery Auto expects to start E.V. production at its recently acquired Barcelona factory in Spain — its first manufacturing site in Europe — by the end of the year.

Chinese solar firms eye the global market despite U.S. tariff barriers.

Chinese companies said they will continue expanding their global presence despite the U.S. decision to reinstate tariffs on solar products from four Southeast Asian countries. Starting Thursday, solar imports from four Southeast Asian countries, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, will be subject to tariffs, according to a White House statement. Despite challenges brought by falling prices, evolving technology, and trade policy movement, "we will remain optimistic about the long-term prospect of the solar P.V. industry and will continue to invest in our people, innovation, and new manufacturing system," LONGi added. Over the long term, it said we will improve its competitiveness in overseas markets and respond to international trade risks with a broader and deeper global layout and localized operations. The so-called China's unfair trade practices, including "flooding global markets with artificially low-priced exports," are just excuses fabricated by U.S. politicians.

China deploys amphibious assault ship to Nansha Qundao for first time: media.

Two Type 075 amphibious assault ships of the PLA Navy, the Guangxi and the Hainan, sail in formation at an undisclosed sea region in 2022. The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy reportedly has, for the first time, deployed an amphibious assault ship to the Nansha Qundao (also known as Nansha Islands) in the South China Sea, a move experts said on Sunday in preparation for any emergency response amid repeated provocations by the Philippines. China's Type 075 landing helicopter dock, also known as an amphibious assault ship, was spotted near Zhubi Jiao (also known as Zhubi Reef) on Friday, marking its first deployment to the Nansha Qundao in the South China Sea, the Manila Times reported on Saturday. Philippine media quickly linked the PLA Navy's warship deployment to the China Coast Guard's (CCG) latest administrative law enforcement procedures, which took effect on Saturday. In a recent incident, the Philippine Coast Guard dispatched boats to illegally land on the islets of Xianbin Jiao, which met with CCG restrictive measures; another recent incident involved Philippine personnel stationed aboard its warship illegally grounded on Ren'ai Jiao (also known as Ren'ai Reef) pointing guns at CCG vessels. On the day of the implementation of the CCG's new procedures on Saturday, the Philippine Coast Guard sent vessels to both Xianbin Jiao and Huangyan Dao (also known as Huangyan Island), according to open-source intelligence data gathered by Chinese technology and intelligence company MizarVision on Friday and Saturday.

Telecom firms strut the latest LLM stuff.

By leveraging extensive data analysis and advanced A.I. large language models, companies can automate workflows, thus reducing labor costs and enhancing production efficiency, said an employee of China Unicom at the expo. Wang Jiangping, deputy minister of industry and information technology, outlined plans to accelerate the deployment of 5G and gigabit optical networks, advance 6G research, and expand intelligent computing infrastructure. Jian Qin, general manager of China Unicom, said the company focuses on building a digital foundation of computing and networking, with intelligent data usage and comprehensive security, to support economic and social transformation. Although A.I. model implementation in industrial fields is still exploratory, China Unicom fosters an open, collaborative innovation ecosystem, providing computing power and algorithms while partners contribute data and scenarios. Experts said this cooperative approach has led to significant advancements across ten sectors: clothing, automotive, equipment manufacturing, warehousing, logistics, power, steel, mining, light textiles, ports, and chemicals.

The Vew on Mexico's new president: a stunning victory for pro-poor politics.

A leftwing climate scientist, Ms Sheinbaum appears a technocrat with progressive views, everything her presidential predecessor, the folksy populist Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known as Amlo, was not. Ms Sheinbaum has been by Mr López Obrador's side for two decades and has a deserved reputation for hard work, fidelity to her mentor, and a thirst for social justice. Mr López Obrador's National Regeneration Movement (Morena) built its support among the ranks of Mexico's poor, who, at this election, overlooked the death toll of cartel violence, the erosion of democratic institutions, and creeping military control over the economy. This appears to be a pragmatic move to finance the country's budget deficit and is offset by her determination to reinvest proceeds in green technologies under a state-led energy transition. However, Mr López Obrador presented himself as a messianic figure who could rescue the poor – through honesty and "republican austerity" – from deceitful politicians and their neoliberal, corrupt schemes that benefit the affluent.

Beijing's Crackdown on Islam Is Coming for Kids.

On March 15, the third day of this year's Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Muslims living in Yuxi, a city in China's Yunnan province, woke up to an unusual message circulating on their WeChat threads. The regional response was as unprecedented as the global outcry. Still, when the Hui hear stories of events that echo the watermelon incident, they remember that it was a forerunner to an intensified surveillance regime among Uyghurs that soon became a full-scale campaign of coercion and assimilation. When it became known that the assailants prepared for their attack in Shadian, the prefectural government vowed to "bring religion back onto the legal track." Both teachers and parents complained to me that veiling restrictions lacked any reference to the law and were thus fundamentally Islamophobic. "It was typical for students to write essays about their hometown, describing it as a place of a beautiful mosque, melodic call to prayer, and festive Ramadan," one local Hui Chinese language teacher told me. On March 15, the third day of this year's Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Muslims living in Yuxi, a city in China's Yunnan province, woke up to an unusual message circulating on their WeChat threads.

China wants to export education, too.

On one wall hangs a bland quote from China's leader, Xi Jinping, picked out in shiny gold. The institution, which has more than doubled in size since its opening in 2020, is a pilot project: the first of several international schools the Communist Party talks of setting up in big cities. In 2019, officials said they had asked Chinese diplomats in 45 countries, including Britain and America, to explore the possibility of creating such institutions. Children who swap domestic classrooms for foreign ones, even for a bit, can struggle when they go back to China. This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline "Exporting education"

Fudan University to introduce at least 100 artificial intelligence courses in the coming academic year.

This initiative is not just about adding an A.I. school but mobilizing the entire university around scientific intelligence innovation. The strategic goals include transforming Fudan into a world-class innovative institution, exploring new models for interdisciplinary A.I. talent cultivation tailored to Shanghai's emerging A.I. sectors, and revolutionizing teaching methods by bridging undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, the school said. Moreover, Fudan's A.I. courses focus on fostering independent innovation rather than solely employment prospects. Students will be equipped to tackle real-world problems as courses collaborate with industries like pharmaceuticals, where A.I. drug design will become part of the coursework. By integrating classical discipline theory and cutting-edge progress in A.I., Fudan University aims to cultivate a new generation of talent capable of driving innovation and addressing complex challenges across multiple domains.

Chinese researchers develop injectable, biodegradable gel-based sensors.

A gel-based tiny sensor that is implantable, biodegradable, and wireless for data transfer is seen in Wuhuan, central China's Hubei Province, May 5, 2025. (ECNS) -- A team of Chinese researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, has developed a gel-based tiny sensor that is implantable, biodegradable, and wireless for data transfer. Clinical monitoring of physiological indicators that include intracranial pressure, temperature, and other data is adopted through surgical implantation of a conventional wired sensor to the skull with a detection depth ranging from a few centimeters up to 10 centimeters, Zang Jianfeng, a researcher explained. It exhibits excellent sensing capabilities comparable to conventional non-resorbable wired clinical benchmarks. In the future, this sensor can also be applied to other parts of the human body, which is expected to bring a new technology paradigm for clinical intelligent diagnosis and treatment.

South China Sea tensions force the U.S. and Beijing to talk more.

Before sitting down for our interview, Mr Burns met with China's climate envoy as the world's two biggest polluters try to find ways to reduce harmful emissions. Most of his meetings are at a ministerial level, and audiences with President Xi are reserved for when senior U.S. officials, such as Secretary of State Antony Blinken, visit. But Ambassador Burns accused parts of the Chinese government of not taking these warm words seriously: "Since the San Francisco summit, there have been 61 separate incidents when the security forces or a government ministry have prevented Chinese citizens from participating in public diplomacy programs at this house, at our embassy or they have prevented people from traveling to the U.S. to participate in joint trips – so it has been tough for us to bring people together." Beijing's embassy in Washington lodged a formal protest and accused U.S. authorities of "unwarrantedly" interrogating, harassing, canceling the visas of and even deporting several students from China with valid travel permits upon their arrival in the U.S. "The U.S. has been using national security as an excuse for a long time, interfering with everyday people-to-people communications and exchanges between the countries, ongoing unwarranted harassment, questioning and repatriation of Chinese students and scholars to the U.S.

Putin signed into law a joint building of a lunar base with China as Beijing expanded its circle of friends in moon exploration.

A mobile camera took a picture of the Chang'e-6 lunar probe's lander and ascender vehicles on the surface of the moon's far side on June 3, 2024. Photo: Courtesy of the CNSA Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday officially signed into law his country's cooperation with China on the construction of the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) project, as Beijing proactively advocates global participation in the joint exploration of the vast universe, with the latest effort being the inclusion of Egypt and Bahrain in China's next Chang'e mission. With China's repeated success in deep space exploration, the prospects for its international cooperation will further expand, Wang Ya'nan, chief editor of Beijing-based Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told the Global Times. Russia's advantage lies in its expertise in astrophysics and chemistry from its experience with lunar exploration missions during the Soviet era. China's rapid growth in aerospace technology has led to the development of reliable engineering resources, including a space station, various kinds of spacecraft, and carrier rockets.

'Umbrella of Creation,': enhancing public's awareness of copyright.

Experts from the literature, publishing, and copyright fields find the book presents a vital topic using an original structural reportage model. The book simultaneously provides new perspectives for the readers to learn more about the law and abide by it while following the progress made in the field of copyright protection in China. The book is a cooperation between writers and subject-matter experts, and it infuses historical accounts of cases with detailed explanations to appeal to the reader more clearly. The book The Umbrella of Creation describes case studies, improving the confidence of the literary and artistic circles within the context of the rule of law in China. Li Hongqiang, editor-in-chief of the People's Literature Publishing House, said that The Umbrella of Creation is a profoundly enlightening and instructive work.

Row as Nato chief hints at talks to increase availability of nuclear weapons.

The Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has indicated that the military alliance is considering whether to increase the number of available nuclear weapons, triggering warnings from experts about the possibility of a new arms race. Though the remarks were deliberately cautious, they echo comments from the White House a week before, warning about a perceived need to respond to increases in warhead numbers from China, Russia, and North Korea. Pranay Vaddi, the top National Security Council arms control official, said this month: "Absent a change in adversary arsenals, we may reach a point in the coming years where an increase from currently deployed numbers is required." Sebastian Brixey-Williams, the executive director of the Basic Security think tank, said: "I read it at this stage as a form of signaling intended to sober up Russia and China to try to avert an arms race. Concerns about China's long-term nuclear program at a time of Russian military aggression are said to have contributed to the U.K.'s decision to lift a cap on the maximum number of Trident warheads it is willing to hold from 180 to 260.

China's South Sea Aggression Is Backfiring.

In just the past week, the number of Chinese navy ships on station nearby doubled, expanding their harassment campaign to include military exercises around another tiny atoll, Sabina Shoal, that is even closer to the Philippines (and where Manila suspects Beijing might be trying to build another artificial island). In late May, Chinese sailors in small craft resorted to stealing airdropped food supplies for Philippine marines aboard the Sierra Madre, a grounded vessel that Manila uses to assert its claim to Second Thomas physically. Beijing claims the entirety of the sea for itself on specious historical grounds, using its "nine-dash line" map and other gimmicks to lay title to tiny rocks and atolls hundreds of miles away from the Chinese mainland. At the Shangri-La Dialogue security conference in Singapore over the weekend, China's defense minister railed at what he saw as U.S. support for Taipei and Manila, warning that "we will not allow any country or any force to create conflict and chaos in our region." Other Chinese generals decried the foreign "wolves" trying to interfere in their backyard. Xi beefed up the world's biggest coast guard, gave it teeth, and belied his promises not to militarize the South China Sea by using land reclamation to turn tiny spits of sand into military bases.

Beijing court ruled that the face-swapping app infringed on personal information, not the right of the portrait.

In this case, two plaintiffs, Liao and Wu, both models for making short videos about traditional Chinese aesthetics, sued the operator of a "face-swapping" app for infringing on their portrait rights. In this case, the defendant used the plaintiff's video footage but replaced the face with someone else's using deepfake technology and then uploaded it to the relevant app as a template for other users. The court said that when the defendant entrusted a third-party technology company to create the face-swapping template, the plaintiff's personal information was collected, analyzed, and utilized. In other words, Sun told the Global Times that if the defendant uses such elements without the consent of the relevant rights holders, they are taking advantage of the labor input of others. Deepfake technology has been used by unscrupulous people to spread illegal and false information to damage reputations or commit fraud, impairing the legitimate rights and interests of the public and affecting social stability.

APA Citations:

China says MI6 recruited Chinese couple as spies (None). Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd11364g90mo

China's third aircraft carrier's reported second sea trial attracts media attention - Global Times (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1313995.shtml

Human players including a Chinese vocational school girl beat 563 AI teams entering final of global math competition - Global Times (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1314202.shtml

Has China’s $1 Trillion Foreign Investment Paid Off? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://thediplomat.com/2024/06/has-chinas-1-trillion-foreign-investment-paid-off/

China's industrial output up 5.6% in May (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ecns.cn/news/economy/2024-06-17/detail-ihecnypz9352729.shtml

Marcos’s remarks on South China Sea disregard history and truth; China to continue defense its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights: FM spokesperson - Global Times (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1313519.shtml

European and Chinese carmakers slate tariffs (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ecns.cn/business/2024-06-17/detail-ihecnypz9352714.shtml

China (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world/asia/china/#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

Chinese solar firms eye global market despite US tariff barriers - Global Times (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1313755.shtml

China deploys amphibious assault ship to Nansha Qundao for first time: media - Global Times (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1314204.shtml

Telecom firms strut latest LLM stuff (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ecns.cn/business/2024-06-06/detail-ihecaphf7366252.shtml

The Guardian view on Mexico’s new president: a stunning victory for pro-poor politics (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/04/the-guardian-view-on-mexicos-new-president-a-stunning-victory-for-pro-poor-politics

Beijing’s Crackdown on Islam Is Coming for Kids (2024-07-02). Retrieved from https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/06/17/china-islam-muslims-religion-minority-xinjiang-uyghur-hui-schools/

China wants to export education, too (2024-06-20T13:26:14.308Z). Retrieved from https://www.economist.com/china/2024/06/20/china-wants-to-export-education-too

Fudan University to introduce at least 100 artificial intelligence courses in coming academic year (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ecns.cn/news/society/2024-06-06/detail-ihecaphf7366451.shtml

Chinese researchers develop injectable, biodegradable gel-based sensors (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ecns.cn/news/cns-wire/2024-06-06/detail-ihecaphf7367036.shtml

South China Sea tensions force US and Beijing to talk more (None). Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cqvvxzv24pqo

Putin signs into law joint building of lunar base with China as Beijing expands circle of friends in Moon exploration - Global Times (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1314079.shtml

'Umbrella of Creation,': enhancing public's awareness of copyright - Global Times (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1314201.shtml

Row as Nato chief hints at talks to increase the availability of nuclear weapons (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/17/row-as-nato-chief-hints-at-talks-to-increase-availability-of-nuclear-weapons

China’s South Sea Aggression Is Backfiring (2024-07-02). Retrieved from https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/06/06/south-china-sea-philippines-fishing-vessels-maritime-conflict-shoal/

Beijing court rules 'face-swapping' app infringed on personal information, not right of portrait - Global Times (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1314565.shtml


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