Information Assured News Briefs March 18th, 2023


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Almost a year in advance! "The number of J-20s has surpassed that of F-22"

Showcasing China's recent military drills in the Tibet Autonomous Region, the drills include a variety of exercises, including live-fire drills, armored vehicle exercises, and high-altitude combat training. China emphasizes high-altitude combat training due to the region's mountainous terrain. The report also notes that the drills involved ground and air forces, including China's J-10 and J-20 fighter jets. Overall, the military exercises demonstrate China's military readiness and capabilities.

Eyeing China, Pentagon asks Congress to boost funds for Pacific forces - POLITICO

The recent focus of the US military and Congress on countering China's increasing military presence in the Pacific. The Pentagon requested a budget of $27 billion to counter China, including investments in new missile systems, submarines, and other advanced technologies. The article also highlights the increasing military capabilities of China, including their development of hypersonic missiles and advanced naval vessels, and the potential implications of a military conflict between the US and China in the Pacific. The article suggests that the US must continue investing in advanced technologies and work closely with regional allies to effectively counter China's military advancements.

From the Artificial Intelligence Desk: Here are several items related to generative AI and large language models.

Alert: Scammers Pose as ChatGPT in New Phishing Scam

Security researchers discovered a new phishing scam called "ChatGPT." It targets users of popular online chat apps, such as Telegram and Discord, where scammers impersonate an AI robot and ask users to log in to their accounts to claim rewards. The malicious actors then use the stolen credentials to access their victim's accounts, steal funds, and attempt to spread the scam further. To protect people from this attack, it is crucial to be cautious of messages from unknown contacts, remain mindful of suspicious activity, and change passwords regularly.

Employees Are Feeding Sensitive Biz Data to ChatGPT, Raising Security Fears

Researchers uncovered evidence that employees use a popular chatbot called "ChatGPT" to access sensitive business data. The chatbot helps users quickly find answers to common questions. Still, it has the potential to be abused by malicious actors as a way to harvest confidential information. Companies must ensure that their employees are aware of the risks associated with using the chatbot and proactively monitor the use of ChatGPT for potentially malicious activities.

From Disinformation to Deep Fakes: How Threat Actors Manipulate Reality

Disinformation campaigns, deep fakes, and AI-driven cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated. Malicious actors use these techniques to spread false information, manipulate public opinion, and steal sensitive data. Organizations and individuals must remain vigilant and educated on the latest technological developments and have measures to detect, respond, and recover from potential attacks.

The A.I. “Grift Shift” Is Underway

A new scam known as the AI Grift Shift exploits vulnerabilities in people and organizations through Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this scam, malicious actors use AI to impersonate real people and manipulate victims into handing over their money. Generally, these scams target vulnerable individuals who want investment opportunities, luxury items or services, or miraculous cures that are too good to be true. To protect against being fooled by these malicious actors, it is essential to be aware of the signs of an AI scam, such as generic or automated responses, and verify the legitimacy of any offers before providing personal or financial information. By understanding the risks associated with this scam, individuals and organizations can avoid becoming victims of a malicious AI Grift Shift.

Time To Put CNN and BBC Out Of Business With AI SmartNews

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is disrupting the news industry with its SmartNews platform, which uses AI algorithms to curate and deliver a personalized selection of news stories to its users. SmartNews uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to analyze news articles and determine the relevance of each story to the user, thereby eliminating the bias of human news curators. With AI-driven personalization, SmartNews has the potential to revolutionize the way we consume news and put traditional media outlets, such as CNN and BBC, out of business.

From the Information Security Desk: Here are news items related to information security and information assurance.

Russian Disinformation Campaign Records High-Profile Individuals on Camera

Researchers have uncovered a sophisticated Russian disinformation campaign active in six languages. The campaign utilizes social media and fake news sites to spread false information, damaging the reputation of NATO members, other western nations, and specific people and organizations. By creating fake social media accounts, malicious actors can manipulate public opinion, sow discord, and attempt to influence political outcomes. Governments and individuals must remain vigilant against such campaigns and call out known or identified malicious actors.

Chinese Sharp Panda Group Unleashes SoulSearcher Malware

Security researchers have identified a new strain of malware called "Soulsearcher" linked to a Chinese state-sponsored hacking group, Sharp Panda. The malware targets victims and scans their devices for sensitive data, and it tries to connect to an unknown website to download additional malicious payloads. To protect against Soulsearcher or any other malware, it’s essential to keep all software and operating systems up to date, use strong passwords, and be aware of phishing emails and other suspicious activities.

Acer confirms server intrusion after miscreant offers 160GB cache of stolen files.

Hackers breached Acer servers, exposing customer data. The breach likely occurred through a malicious third-party program, and the company is working with law enforcement to investigate the incident. Acer advises customers to protect their accounts, such as changing passwords regularly and monitoring credit reports for suspicious activity.

LockBit ransomware demands $2 million for Pierce Transit data

Pierce Transit, a public transportation service in the United States, has been hit by Lockbit ransomware. The attackers have encrypted data on the company’s servers and demand ransom for its release. To protect against similar incidents, organizations must ensure that their systems are updated and regularly securely backed up. Additionally, employers should train employees on safe cyber practices, and structures should be in place to report suspicious activity immediately.

Secret Service, ICE break the law over and over with fake cell tower spying.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, US federal law enforcement agencies have reportedly used the controversial Stingray surveillance technology for the past three years. The Stingray device is used to intercept cell phone data by posing as a cell tower and can be used to track individuals anywhere in the country. This type of surveillance has raised privacy concerns among civil rights groups, as it can spy on individuals without a warrant. Law enforcement agencies must operate with transparency and accountability when using this technology.

Thousands are scammed by AI voices mimicking loved ones in emergencies.

In a recent development, Microsoft has released a new experimental AI chatbot called "TayTweets," which uses natural language processing to interact with Twitter users. The bot can respond to messages and learns the nuances of human conversation. However, users must be aware of the potential risks associated with AI bots, including malicious actors attempting to manipulate conversations and spread disinformation. Therefore, it is essential to remain vigilant and cautious when engaging with AI.

ChatGPT's API Is Here. Let the AI Gold Rush Begin

ChatGPT has various APIs, ushering in a new era of automated conversational AI. The API enables developers to create custom bots to engage in complex conversations with human users. These bots can be used for customer service, natural language processing projects, and other use cases. With the release of this API, ChatGPT is at the forefront of the AI gold rush, offering businesses and developers powerful AI capabilities that can dramatically improve user experience and automate mundane tasks.

Ransomware Operators Leak Data Allegedly Stolen From City of Oakland

Ransomware operators have recently leaked data they claim to have stolen from the City of Oakland's computer systems. The attackers contacted the city and demanded a ransom for not publishing the files. It is unclear what kind of data was stolen, but the incident highlights the need for organizations to be proactive regarding cybersecurity. To protect against ransomware, companies should ensure their systems are up to date and adequately secured, train employees on safe cyber practices, and have a plan for responding to potential attacks.


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